
interface GooglePlacesAutocompleteProps {
  apiKey?: string;                               // default: ''
  apiOptions?: ApiOptions;                       // default: { }
  autocompletionRequest?: AutocompletionRequest; // default: { }
  debounce?: number;                             // default: 300
  minLengthAutocomplete?: number;                // default: 0
  onLoadFailed?: (error: Error) => void;         // default: console.error
  selectProps?: SelectProps;                     // default: { }
  withSessionToken?: boolean;                    // default: false

Where SelectProps are the ones accepted by react-select.


If this parameter is passed, the component will inject the Google Maps JavaScript API usign this apiKey. So there's no need to manually add the script tag to yout HTML document.


Object to configure the google script to inject. Let's see the shape this prop can take:

export interface ApiOptions {
  language?: string;
  region?: string;

Here's an example on how to use it:

  apiOptions={{ language: 'fr', region: 'fr' }}

Note: for more information check localization documentation.


Autocompletion request object to add restrictions to the search. Let's see the shape this prop can take:

interface LatLng {
  lat: number;
  lng: number;

interface AutocompletionRequest {
  bounds?: [LatLng, LatLng];
  componentRestrictions?: { country: string | string[] };
  location?: LatLng;
  offset?: number;
  radius?: number;
  types?: string[];

Here's an example on how to use it:

    bounds: [
      { lat: 50, lng: 50 },
      { lat: 100, lng: 100 }
    componentRestrictions: {
    country: ['us', 'ca', 'uy'],

Note: for more information check google documentation.


The number of milliseconds to delay before making a call to Google Maps API.


Defines a minimum number of characters needed on the input in order to make requests to the Google's API.


Function to be called when the injection of the Google Maps JavaScript API fails due to network error.

For example:

  onLoadFailed={(error) => (
    console.error("Could not inject Google script", error)


As this component uses react-select under the hood, this prop accepts everything that's accepted by it. You can check react-select props here.

For example, a really common use would be to use it as a controlled input:

const [value, setValue] = useState(null);

    onChange: setValue,


If this prop is set to true, the component will handle changing the sessionToken on every session. To learn more about how this works refer to Google Places Session Token docs.